Dossier : Ordonnancement à capacité finie
OPT: fantaisie ou révolution
DOI :és :
(1)-BYLINSKY,Gene, "An efficiency Guru with a brown box," Fortune (sept.5,1983).p.120
(2)-CARMODY,Richard h., "Finite capacity management using OP in the nuclear fuels industry", APICS 27th Annual Conference
Proceedings,Marerial and Capacity Requirements - Planning Volume (l984)pp.82-84.
(3)-CHANTLAND,Richard H., "Application of the OPT system for detail resource planning", APICS 27th annual international
Conference Proceedings.Materiel and Capacity Requirements Planning Volume (1984) pp.79-81.
(4)-CHANTLAND,Richard H.,"Strategic subcontracting and the OPT System,APICS 26th Annual International Conference Proceedings
(1983) pp.601-602.
(5)-FOX,Robert F., "MRP,Kanban, or OPT : what's best? part 1,"Inventories and Production (july/august 1982).
(6)-FOX,Robert f., "OPT an answer for merica: part 2" Inventories and Production (nov./decemb. 1982).
(7)-FOX RObert F "OPT an answer for America: part 3," Inventories and Production (january/february 1983).
(8)-FOX Robert F., "OPT an answer for America:part 4-leapfrogging the Japanese," Inventories and Production (march/april 1983).
(9)-FOX Robert F.,"OPTvs.MRP: throughware "Inventories and Production (nov./decemb. 1983).
(10)-JACOBS,F.Robert, "The OPT scheduling system: a review of a new production scheduling system," Production & Inventory
Management, third quarter (1983),pp.47-51.
(11)-JACOBS,F.Robert, "OPT uncovered: many production production planning and control concepts can be applied with or without
software," Industrial Engineering (October 1984).
(12)-MANNING,Everett j.," OPT a production technique case study," APICS 26th Annual International Conference Proceedings (1983),pp.
(13)-MATURO,Michael P., "The language of OPT,"APICS 26th Annual International Conference Proceedings (1983),pp.567-571.
(14)-ORLICKY,Joseph,Materials Requirements Planning, McGraw-Hill Book Company,NY{1975).
(15)-SPROVIERO,Chris,"Remaining supplier International competitive as an internal in the automotive industry," APICS 27th Annual
Conference Proceedings, Management and Personal Development Volume (1984),pp.139-141.
(16)-SWOYER,Samuel H.,Jr., "OPT-Zero inventory for all," Zero Inventory Seminar Proceedings, APICS, Orlando,FI (September
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