Célestin ELOCK SON


Affiliation : IUT Moselle-Est, CEREFIGE-Université de Lorraine, France

Pays : France

ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8147-3509


Célestin ELOCK SON is a researcher at CEREFIGE. He is a senior lecturer in Management Sciences at the University of Lorraine at the Transport and Logistics Management department of IUT de Moselle-Est. Holder of a PhD from the Université d'Artois, his research focuses on retail logistics. In particular, it analyzes retailers and consumers behaviors, study the risks associated with the distribution of food product. He is also interested in new distribution methods brought about by the digitization of the supply chain


  • Digitalisation et industrie 4.0 au sein de la supply chain: contributions et freins

    Célestin ELOCK SON, Jean Noel BREKA
    30-09-2023 .

    Vues: 424
  • Liste des articles.