Atidel Haj-Alouane


Affiliation : Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis

Pays : Tunisie



Atidel B. Hadj-Alouane is currently Professor of Industrial Engineering (IE) at the University of Sharjah, in the UAE. Until June 2021, she held the position of Professor in the IE department at the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), Tunisia. She holds the M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and the Principal Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering from ENIT. She founded, in 2005, the Optimization and Analysis of Service and Industrial Systems (OASIS) laboratory which she directed until the end of 2020. In ENIT, she co-founded the master’s program in Industrial and Systems Engineering, in 2006, and directed it until the end of 2013. She also co-founded the PhD program in Industrial Engineering, in 2014, and directed it until 2021. Atidel B. Hadj-Alouane is a leading researcher in Optimization and Supply chain design and management. Her research is supported by several grants and is published in several reputed journals. Her current research interests include Integrated logistics systems & green logistics, Risk management in supply chains, and OR application to service systems, namely Telecommunications, Cloud systems and infrastructure, and Health systems. She teaches various courses in Operations Research, Supply chains and Production planning. Most recently, she took interest in research involving Machine and deep learning applied to operations management within the context of Industry 4.0.